A Day With A Shark Advisory Services

Where to ship it?
A Day With A Shark Advisory (4 Payments)
A Day With A Shark Advisory (4 Payments) × 1
$6,250 today followed by $6,250 every 15 days for three more payments

Subtotal $6,250.00
Total $6,250.00

Choose Your Package

A Day With A Shark Advisory (4 Payments)
$6,250 today followed by $6,250 every 15 days for three more payments

Customer Information

United States (US)

Shipping Method

Order Summary

A Day With A Shark Advisory (4 Payments)
A Day With A Shark Advisory (4 Payments) × 1
$6,250 today followed by $6,250 every 15 days for three more payments
Subtotal $6,250.00
Total $6,250.00

Payment Information

All transactions are secure and encrypted. Credit card information is never stored on our servers.

  • Pay with your credit card via Stripe.

Your personal data will be used to process your order, support your experience throughout this website, and for other purposes described in our privacy policy.

We Respect Your privacy & Information

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James G.

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"Before I met Kevin and learned the various principles of how he raises money, I had the door shut in my face. I wasn’t able to make the right connections or pitch the right people. That quickly changed once I started listening to how he raises money."

Lauren R.

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